01275 375559


A number of BIAC members are consultants working world-wide for all or part of their time.
Members maintain the same excellent range and standards of service as the UK based consultants but have an international clientele.
Members work on a sub contract basis for consultancy companies or are directly employed by international organisations, commercial firms and private individuals.
The wealth of knowledge, degree of commitment and flexibility of these members make them ideal choices for large and small projects in the rural development and agricultural fields. 
What members offer their clients

Members’ skills include those essential for modern agribusiness development and those needed to help the rural populations in the developing and transition countries. 

Their specialist knowledge includes;
  • All technical aspects of production for crops (rain fed, irrigated, glasshouse) 

  • All aspects of livestock production 

  • Post harvest technologies 

  • Building design and construction 

  • Property management and valuations 

  • Business analysis and planning 

  • Advisory techniques and extension service management 

  • Training, including training of trainers 


Clients of members include developers; multinational agencies; banks; charities; NGO's; Government departments; FAO; IFC; UNIDO