01275 375559

Wendy Jenkins

Vice-Chairman - BIAC Council

Wendy Jenkins

Wendy Jenkins is a director and founding member of CARA Wales Ltd, a firm of agricultural and business consultants based in West Wales. Wendy specialises in providing business management advice to farmers including analysing business performance, benchmarking and discussing future options.

Wendy graduated from Aberystwyth with a degree in Agriculture and Business Studies, and has over 20 years’ experience in consultancy, covering South and West Wales. She has extensive knowledge of support schemes including BPS, Glastir and other rural development plan schemes. She is also approved as a Farming Connect Advisor under the Farm Advisory Service, and is regularly called upon to give presentations on various aspects of farm business planning to Farming Connect discussion groups.

As a fellow of BIAC, and a farmers’ wife, Wendy is committed to the support of farming businesses in Wales.

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Wendy Jenkins


Wendy Jenkins

BSc(Hons) Agric FBIAC